"GOD CARES FOR YOU" A Musical for Young Voices Based on the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 & 6) by Larry Holder Originally performed by the 4th & 5th Grade Choir of First Baptist Church, Martin, Tennessee under the direction of Shannon Burgin Larry Holder 151 Charles Drive, Martin, Tennessee 38237 E-Mail: larry@larryholdermusic.org Web: larryholdermusic.org Copyright (C)(P) 1996 Lawrence Keith Holder. While copyright is still retained in this material, you may freely and non-exclusively copy and use for non-profit purposes (such as non-profit performance or use as music on a non-profit web page), as long as credits and notices remain intact. If you produce a new sound recording (including a MIDI file) based on this material, you are encouraged to likewise permit others to freely copy and use for non-profit purposes. If you use as part of a web page, the courtesy of a link back to this page is appreciated. For any permissions not granted above (such as for-profit copying, recording, and performance), or if you have any questions about the above permissions, please contact the copyright owner. Song List 1. When Jesus Walked the Earth (1:24) 2. The Blessings From God (2:58) 3. We Are the Salt and Light (1:25) 4. Let Your Yes Be Yes (1:15) 5. Our Father (2:33) 6. Treasures in Heaven (1:52) 7. God Cares For You (3:25) Performance Notes Characters: 2 girls: Erin, Laurie; 2 boys: Jimmy, John. All except John attend the same church. John is their school friend, but unchurched. The kids are outside of school in the morning, waiting for the first bell. Characters join in with the rest of the choir for each song; should be situated so that they only take a couple of steps to get into and out of their acting positions on one side of the stage. Bible readers may wish to pass a wireless microphone, or else they may step up to a standing microphone on the opposite side of the stage from the characters. Scripture Readers: Various choir members, reading from wherever they are standing. Props: Pocket Bible. Characters may have book bags. Minimal stage props reminding of outside of school, such as a basketball goal, bike, etc. Clothing: Characters and rest of choir should wear regular school attire. Dramatic Presentation Opening Song: "When Jesus Walked the Earth" Erin: Hey, Jimmy, you coming to the pizza youth night this Sunday? Jimmy: You bet! I wouldn't miss pizza for anything! How about you, John? Want to come with us? John: Isn't that a church thing? You know I don't go to any church. Laurie: Why is that, John? John: My dad says all this talk of God is nonsense. And if there really is a God, He's just some big cosmic force out there. Certainly nothing to fuss about. Erin: But John, God is more than just a force keeping the universe going. God is personal, and He cares about you and me. John: Yeah, right. And just how do you know all this? Erin: The Bible tells us all about God. In fact, it tells us how God came to us a long time ago, to show us what He is is like. Jimmy: That's right. Jesus was God's son, and he sure had a lot to say. John: Like what, exactly? Laurie: Like how He cares about you and me, and how He wants us to live. John: How did he do that? Hold a press conference? Write a book? Make a video? Jimmy: Better than that, He just talked to folks. But some of those people wrote down a lot of what he said. I've got a New Testament here in my pocket. Want to see? John: Oh, I guess so. But just 'til the bell rings. Jimmy: Look, here's chapter 5 in Matthew, where Jesus went up to a mountain to teach his followers. Let's check out some of the stuff He told them about... Someone reads Matthew 5:1-6, followed by: "The Blessings from God." John: Jesus sure liked that word "blessed." Erin: Well, that word just means "happy." And that's what Jesus wants us to be. John: Yeah, but now what's all this stuff here about "salt"? Laurie: That's just an example Jesus used to explain how we're supposed to make a difference. To give the world something that it needs. Jimmy: Like adding pepperoni to a pizza... Erin: Look -- It says here, too, that we're supposed to be like lights high on a hill, helping others to see the way to God. Someone reads Matthew 5:13-14, followed by: "We Are the Salt and Light." John: Looks like this Jesus of yours even cares about how you talk. Jimmy: Oh, you must have found the part about not swearing by anything. Erin: God has control of everything, but we don't. Jesus just doesn't want us acting as if we did. If you mean "yes", then that's enough. If you mean "no", then that's enough, too. Just a plain, honest answer should be enough for anyone. Someone reads Matthew 5:33-37, followed by: "Let Your Yes Be Yes". Laurie: God doesn't just care about how we talk to eachother, either. He cares about how we talk to Him, too. John: Talking to God? How in the world do you do that? Jimmy: When we pray, we're really talking to God. We may not be able to see Him with our eyes, but we know He is listening to us. And He listens because He cares about us. Erin: Jesus knew some people would try to say big, fancy prayers. But he wanted to teach us to pray clear and simple. Just like if you were going to ask your mom or dad for something. Someone reads Matthew 6:7-13, followed by: "Our Father". John: What's this stuff about treasures on earth and in heaven? Jimmy: When we do things for ourselves, we get treasures on earth. But when we do things for God, we get treasures in heaven. John: Lotta good that is. How are you supposed to see these "treasures in heaven"? Erin: When someone trusts in Jesus as their Savior, they know that they will go to heaven to be with God forever one day.And when they do, those treasures will be right there waiting for them. Laurie: And they won't get old, or tear up, or get lost. They last forever! Someone reads Matthew 6:19-21, followed by: "Treasures in Heaven". John: Wow, this Jesus of yours sure took a lot of time to tell people about things that really matter. And for someone who lived so long ago, it's kinda neat how much sense it makes right now. Erin: That's right. God's Word never goes out of date. It's as good today as it was when Jesus spoke it to the people on the mountain. John: That's great for you. You all go to church, but I don't. What good is it to me, then? Jimmy: God cares about you, too, John. Tell you what, why don't you come with us to the pizza youth night on Sunday, and I'll introduce you to our youth minister, Brother Jeff. He can tell you a lot more about Jesus and how you can get to know Him yourself. John: You know, I think I'd like that. I had no idea that God took such a personal interest in anyone ... even me. Laurie: He sure does. That's what the Bible is all about: telling us how much God cares for me and you. Song: "God Cares for You". Short invitation by pastor/youth minister, with background of quiet piano music w/o singing -- such as "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus". Pastor/youth minister may concludes with cue such as: "Let's have the choir sing that last song again, as a reminder of the love and care that God has for each one of us here tonight, as well as for others that are waiting for us to tell them."